YAN Jing



YAN Jing



Date of   Birth




Graduated   Institution

Hohai   University


Hydraulics and River Dynamics



Telephone Number



124997113@qq.com; yanjing@hhu.edu.cn

Research   Interests

Turbulence   in open channel flowsRiver DynamicsFluvial Processes

Awards   & Honors

1.  Subdivision   theory and mass transport mechanism of vegetated flows in open channel, Natural science Award of Outstanding Achievements of Scientific Research of Higher Education   Institutions, Ministry of  Education,   China,the first prize, 2022

2.   Applicability   and Layout Study of Plant-based Flexible Ecological Dams in Urban   Rivers in Southern China, Tutor of Excellent Completion Project of Innovation and   Training for College Students project, Hohai University, 2022

3.    Excellent Class Tutor Award, Hohai University, 2020-2021

4.    Three-Education Model of  Hohai University, Advanced Individual, 2020-2021

5.     Teaching Competition of Hohai   University, the third prize, 2021

6.      Unsteady   flow automatic tracking measurement system, National College Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition-The 6th National Competition of Innovative Self-made Experimental Teaching Instruments and Equipment for Higher Education Teachers,    the third prize, 2021

7.      Teaching   experiment system for measurement of comprehensive flow resistance, The   first Innovation Competition of mechanics teaching instruments and equipment   made by college teachers in Yangtze River Deltathe Second prize, 2020

8.      Simulation   and control techniques of flow and sediment transport in plain river, Provincial   Award in Science and Technology Progress,    Jiangsu province,  the   first prize, 2017(8/11)

9.        “Fluvial Process”(Chinese translation), the 15thOutstanding Introduced   Book, 2016(3/3)

10.    Determining   drag coefficients and their application in modelling of turbulent flow with   submerged vegetation, Outstanding Academic Paper in Natural   Science, Nanjing City,    2015(3/4)

11.     Simulation   and control techniques of flow and sediment of large scale physical model and   their applications, Technical Invention Award of Outstanding Achievements of Scientific   Research of Higher Education Institutions, Ministry of  Education, China,, the second prize,   2013(6/6)

12.    Excellent Class Tutor Award, Hohai University, 2012

13.     Experimental   study on flow resistance and turbulent characteristics of open channel with   vegetation, Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award of Jiangsu Province, 2009

14.     Innovation and practice of flow dynamics and   flood control technology in plain river, Provincial Award in   Science and Technology Progress, Jiangsu province, the first prize, 2008,(6/13)

15.     Baogang   Scholarship, China,   2006

16.     Outstanding   Graduates Award,   Hohai University, 2002



PUBLICATIONS(*denotes the corresponding author)

1.          Yan Jing, LU Jingyu, ZHAO Hanqing* et al. (2023).Method of non-dimensionalization for velocity distribution in   vegetated open channel turbulent flow sand flow sub-division.Advances in Science and Technology   of Water Resources.

2.          Yan Jing, Yu Yang, Tang limo* and LU Jingyu. (2021).Study on effect of vegetation density on coherent structure in   vegetated open channel flows. Water resources and Hydropower   Engineering,  52(12): 133-145.

3.          Yan Jing, Wang Xiaoli, Cheng hong*, Yu Yang, Lin Qingwei. (2021).Vertical geometry scale and frequency of KH vortex in   open channel flow through submerged vegetation. Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances   in Water Science, 32(5) : 770-779

4.          Zhao Hanqing, Tang   Hongwu, Yan jing*, Dai Huichao, Liu Zhiwu. (2021). Interactions   between bedforms and open channel flows through submerged vegetation. Shuikexue   Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science, 32(2)250-258

5.          Yan Jing, Liu Jiefu, Chen Hong*,Wang Xiaoli. (2020). Advances in related issues on KH vortex   in vegetated open channel flows. Advances in Science and Technology of   Water Resources, 2020, 40(2): 90-94.

6.          Chen Hong, Zhou   Guoliang, Yan Jing and Ji Yang. (2020). Matching Algorithm of Particles in   Surface Flow Field Based on Regression Analysis. Advances in   Science and Technology of Water Resources, 40(1):32-36

7.          Hanqing Zhao, HongwuTang*, JingYan, DongfangLiang and Jinyu Zheng.   (2020). Spectral shortcut in turbulence energy transfer in open channel flow over   submerged vegetation. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 33:10-18

8.          Hanqing Zhao, *Jing Yan, Saiyu Yuan, Jiefu Liu and Jinyu Zheng. (2019). Effects of Submerged Vegetation Density on Turbulent Flow   Characteristics in an Open Channel. Water,11(10),10.3390/w11102154

9.          Niansheng Cheng,   Hongwu Tangand Jing Yan.(2018).Low submergence effect   on incipient sediment motion.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 144(12),   0.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001540

10.    Jing Yan, Kun dai, Hongwu   Tang*, Yang Chen. (2016). Flow visualization experimental study on turbulent   coherent structure in vegetated open channel flow. Journal of Sichuan   University(Engineering Science Edition) ,48(2), 21-27

11.    Jing Yan*, Yang Chen, Kun Dai and Ming Zhang. (2016). Experimental study on turbulence characteristic height near bed   area in open channel flow with submerged vegetation. Advances in Science   and Technology of Water Resources, 36(5), 28-33

12.    Jing Yan, Yang Chen, Hongwu Tang*, Kun Dai and Ming Zhang. Advances in research on sub-division   and characteristic scales of open channel flows with vegetation. (2015). Journal of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower   Research, 13(6), 91-98

13.    Daivd Dai, Hongwu Tang and Jing Yan. (2015). Fluvial   Processes. China Water and Power Press

14.    Yan Jing*, Dai Kun, Cheng   Yang, Chen Hong and Zhang Ming. (2015). Experimental study on turbulent structure   in narrow open channel flows. 36th IAHR World Congress, Holand, June 26-July 3

15.    Kun Dai, Jing Yan, Hongwu Tang, Yang Chen and Ming Zhan. (2015). Image processing techniques of flow visualization on   turbulence coherent structure. 7th National Congress on   Hydraulics and informatics, Otc., Yichang,  China

16.    Kun Dai,Jing Yan, Yang Chen and Ming Zhan. (2015). Application of flow visualization and image processing   techniques to the study of coherent structure in vegetated canopy   open-channel flows. International Conference on Testing and Measurement:   Techniques and Applications, January 16-17, Phuket Island, Thailand

17.    Jing Yan, Kun Dai, Hongwu   TANG, Niansheng Cheng and Yang Chen. (2014). Advances in research on   turbulence structure in vegetated open channel flows. Advances in water   science, 25(6), 926933

18.    Hongwu Tang, Zhijun Tian, Jing Yan, Saiyu Yuan. (2014).   Determining drag coefficients and their application in modelling of turbulent   flow with submerged vegetation. Advances   in Water Resources, 69, 134-145

19.    Yang Chen, Jing Yan, Ye He, Kun Dai. (2014). Experimental   Study on Flow Characteristics of Open-channel Flow with Flexible Vegetation. Proceedings   of International Conference on Mechanics and Civil Engineering, December   13-14, 428-432, Wuhan, China

20.    Tang Hongwu, Wang Hao, Liang Dongfang, Lv Shengqi, Yan   Jing. (2013). Incipient motion of sediment with the presence of emergent   rigid vegetation. Journal of   Hydro-environment Research,  7(3), 202-208

21.    Jing Yan, Hongwu Tang,   Zhijun Tian, Ye He. (2012). Velocity Scale of open channel flows with vegetation, 1-5, http://www.paper.edu.cn

22.    Yan Jing, Tang Hongwu, Xiao   Yang, Li Kaijie. (2011). Experimental study on influence of boundary on   location of maximum velocity in open channel flows. Water Science and Engineering, 4(2), 185-191

23.    Jing Yan, Hongwu Tang,   Zhijun Tian and Ye He. (2011). Experimental study on the influence of vegetation   on the velocity distribution of open channel flows.Hydro-science and Engineering, 4, 138-142  

24.    Yan Jing, Tang Hongwu, Tian Zhijun, Tang limo. (2011). Study on   impact of Vegetation on sediment transport rate. International Conference On Electrical and Control Engineering, 6, 5499-5501

25.    Yan Jing, Luo Chao, Tian zhijun, Chen   Hong, Tang limo. (2011). Velocity momentums transformation considering flume   slope for 2D LDV measurement. International   Conference On Multimedia Technology and Technology, 4738-4740

26.    Zhijun Tian, Hongwu Tang and Jing Yan. (2011). Numerical simulation of velocity   field of open channel flows with non-submerged vegetation. 8th National Conference on Basic Theory of   Sediment Transport,  593-597

27.    Jing Yan. (2008). Experimental Study   on Flow Resistance and Turbulence     Characteristics of Open Channel Flows with Vegetation. PH.D. thesis, Hohai University,   Nanjing.

28.    Yilin Zhou, Hongwu Tang and Jing   Yan. (2008). Influence factors of the von Karman constant of sediment-laden   flows. Journal of Sediment Research, 3, 51-56

29.     Yan Jing, Cheng   Nian-Sheng, Tang Hong-Wu and Tan Soon-Keat. (2007). Oscillating grid   turbulence and its application: a review. Journal   of Hydraulic Research, IAHR,   45(1), 26-32

30.    Hongwu Tang, Jing Yan, Yang Xiao   and Shengqi Lv. (2007). Manning’s roughness   coefficient of vegetated   channels. Journal  of Hydraulic Engineering, Shuilixuebao,38(11), 1347-1353

31.    Hongwu Tang, Jing Yan and Shengqi   Lv. (2007). Advances in research on flows with   vegetation in river management.Advances in water science, 18(5), 785-792

32.    Shengqi Lv, Hongwu Tang and Jing Yan.   (2007). Comparison of turbulence characteristics of flow in open channels   with and without vegetation.  Advances in Science   and Technology of Water Resources, 27(6), 64-68

33.    Yan Jing, Xiao Yang, Liu   Tao, Liu Cheng-Dong. (2006). Velocity measurement of open channel flow with   submerged rigid vegetation using PIV.15th   APD – IAHR&ISMH Congress, August, India,163-170

34.    Liu Tao, Tang Hong-Wu, Yan Jing. (2006). Experimental   study on rolling particle over  rough   inclined plane.15th APD – IAHR&ISMH   Congress, August, India, 229-304

35.       Tang Hongwu, Chen   Hong, Gao Zhu, Hakem Mebarka, Yan Jing. (2005). Investigation of flow   field in physical model by Digital Image Processing. The 6th International Symposium on Test and measurement, Dalian,   578-582


1.          Study   on the formation and development of KH vortex in open channel flows with   vegetation, National Natural Science   Foundation of China (General Program)(PI)

2.          Study   on sub-division and characteristic scales of open channel flows with   vegetation, National Natural Science   Foundation of China (General Program) (PI)

3.          Fluvial   processes in the confluence river  with   the influence of large scale hydraulic engineering, National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program)(main   participant)

4.          Coherent   structure and turbulence type in open channel flows with vegetation, National Natural Science Foundation of   China (Youth Program)(PI)

5.          Mean   and turbulent structure of vegetated flows, the Fundamental Research Funds   for the Central Universities(Youth Program)(PI)

6.          Turbulent   structure of open channel with large scale roughness, Natural Science Foundation of Hohai University (PI)

7.          Hydrodynamic   System and Safety of River Network, 111 Program for Discipline Innovation and Talent Introduction Base Projectparticipant

8.          Critical Conditions for Maintaining Stability of Rivers and Lakes,National Key Research and Development Program-Special Topic   Researchmain participant

9.          Mechanism   of sediment adsorption and desorption on phosphorus under hydrodynamic   conditions, National Natural Science   Foundation of China (General Program), 2/10 (main participant)

10.      Turbulence,   sediment transport and contaminant dispersion in vegetated open channels,  National   Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), 3/10(CO-PI)

11.      Accumulated   effect of the engineering groups on fluvial processes and its comprehensive   evaluation method, National Natural   Science Foundation of China (General Program), 3/10 (CO-PI)

12.      Research   on mechanism of the effect of flow and sediment process on contaminant   transport and environment control, National   Natural Science Foundation of China (key Program), No.51239003, 6/12 (CO-PI)

13.      Flow   and sediment transport in open channels with the presence of vegetation, Doctoral   Program of Higher Education of China, 3/8 (CO-PI)

14.      Study   on strategies of sedimentation prevention and reduction under the estuary   tidal gate, The Six Talent Peaks Project of Jiangsu Province (main   participant

15.      Study   on mass transport characteristics in vegetated river, “333”Project of Jiangsu   Province (CO-PI

16.      Program   of  the water quality improvement and   ecological restoration in Zhenjiang city, National High-tech R&D   Program of China (863 Program) (main participant)


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